Life and Spiritual Coaching

May 16, 2008

Mothers Day 2008

Filed under: Family — by Donna Ritter @ 10:45 pm
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This is a letter I wrote to my 2 wonderful children this Mother’s Day:

I was reminiscing today about our kids when they were toddlers. That was the best time in my life. We were together all the time. We had a camper parked at Pine Hill’s Camp Resourt in Raymond New Hampshire. Nicole was 3-5 and Matthew was 1-3. Since she was older, she won most of the kid activities ribbons, but I remember how excited Matthew was when his turtle won the turtle race. Each turtle had a number painted in its shell and they were all put in a circle. Each child cheered their turtle on to vitory. The first one out was the winner! After that, he won his share of ribbons.


I also remember bringing Nicole to a beach in York Maine. This was when she was about 1/1/2 years old. She had the cutest little pink outfit with a pink sunhat. She leaned down in the water with an amazement I can’t describe. She felt the sand and was so happy for those few moments. I also remember her at Pine Acres when an “older” boy with cute blond hair taught her how to fish. It amazed me how quickly she caught on since she was so young. And Mathew was still in diapers before they had invented the ones that didn’t look like balloons filled with water but he loved it. We had a canoe that we took from the big beach to our trailer at night and every night we barbequed.


Young mothers – enjoy every minute! It goes by so fast and you feel like you lose our kids to quickly. Sure there are times when you want to go out and can’t or your toddlers decide to have a tantrum in the mall – but you will remember these years with the greatest of fondness. I have a phliosophy that !od made babies so cure so their parents didn’t flush them down the toilet.


Teen agers and Young adults, never fear running back to you Mama’s arms. They will always be wide open to care and comfort you.  They will always protect you and get you out of any trouble you may have gotten yourself into.


I can’t wait to have grand baby’s of my own. If only I would have known.


Happy Mother’s Day to my favorite people – Nicole and Matthew!


Love you bunches, Mama  May 2008

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