Life and Spiritual Coaching

September 16, 2008

Aftermath of Hurricane Ike

Filed under: Hurricane — by Donna Ritter @ 6:18 pm

Well, Hurricane Ike was a bit more destructive than we thought. We lost power for almost 5 days, there was no gas or food to be had and we lost most of our fence including a tree that fell across our fence onto a neighbor’s garage.

We did have fun playing board games and cards by candlelight, but that gets very old after 2 days. Luckily the weather had cooled off somewhat, so we could sleep without air conditioner. It is amazing what creature comforts we take for granted!

When we said grace every night, we thanked God that we were so lucky. Some of the areas around here are very flooded. They won’t let residents back on to Galveston Island yet – they can go visit to see the damage, but have to be off by 6:00.

Maybe next time we should consider evacuating J.

September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Filed under: danger,Hurricane — by Donna Ritter @ 1:14 pm

Hurricane Ike is hitting Houston. Buzzy and I grew up in New Orleans and weathered many hurricanes. We often were evacuated to other parts of the city – but never out of the city. During Hurricane Betsy we had to stay at a friend’s house and my parent’s house was flooded with 4 feet of water.

We had moved by the time of Katrina – a monster storm. My best friend was rescued by a helicopter from the room of her house. Last year she killed herself out of sadness. We always heard a monster hurricane would kill the city but didn’t listen.

Rita hit Houston after Katrina and lots of people evacuated Houston only to stay stuck in traffic and die of thirst and hunger. We stayed and only lost electricity for 30 minutes!

I am listening to my son and husband moving what could be flying projectiles so we will be safe.

The waters are already flooding Galveston and Ike hasn’t hit yet. It is more dangerous to leave than stay. We have water, canned goods and will tape up the windows.

All I want is to know where my kids are tonight when it hits. God will protect us all!

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